January 09, 2006

Scattered Thoughts

I feel compelled to write something, although my thoughts are very scattered today. Here is a sampling:

Andrea Yates=productive. I hate the world.

Do not complain about the cost of stamps going up unless you're willing to deliver my letter to anywhere in the world and once you get there, if no one is there to receieve it, bring it back to me for 39 cents.

My classes start next week. I'm not sure if I should change my online class to a classroom class where I actually have to go to campus. Online sounds good since I could "attend" in my new frog pajamas, but I must remind myself that I am lazy and unmotivated and I don't need an advisor to tell me that's not a good combination.

I'm now 28 and I'm one of those weirdo almost-thirty people I used to laugh at. Ugh.

"The Purpose-Driven Life": According to Amazon, it is about purposeful devotion to a Christian God. The book is set up to be a 40-day immersion plan and how to live a Christian life. I have three words about it: gift from in-laws. (Or is that four words?) The whole premise is so insulting, it's actually funny. I think it started to burn my hands before I had a chance to throw it to the floor. Maybe I could wing it at the Jehovah's Witnesses when they come to my door. Or my in-laws, if they were ever invited to my house again. At least I figured out what reading material to get my mother-in-law for Christmas next year: "How to be a Better Mother."


Jason Hughes said...

You could always buy her the Satanic Bible. Just say, "Oops! I only saw the word 'Bible' and thought it was right up your alley!"


or I found this book you could buy her:
Mothers-In-Law Do Everything Wrong: M.I.L.D.E.W. (Paperback) by Liz Bluper, Renee Plastique "Do you keep hoping that aliens will kidnap your mother-in-law?..."

That just cracks me up, M.I.L.D.E.W. ... hehehe

Kel said...

Oh my gawd!!! I never realized there were so many pages of people spewing about their in-laws. I feel like I have so many resources now. Thanks!

Your suggestion is so much better than mine.

MILDEW kills me! (Literally and figuratively)